Hear ye, hear ye!
Here is your
December 1, 2022
Letter from the President
As we look back on 2022, I am eager to highlight the successes this organization has achieved.
Past president Ed Tilden heard the calls from our residents for better street safety and badgered the city into reducing our speed limit from 30 to 25 MPH, with new signage posted. He continues to coordinate with the city to get speed warning signs in place along our busiest routes.
Our thanks to Dave Nelson for leading our quarterly Adopt-A-Highway litter pickups, and stocking our poop bag stations. Curb appeal is everyone’s responsibility. Dave’s coordination keeps it fun and rewarding.
Recently retired, Pat Mason joined the Executive Committee as the Vice President and has tackled multiple projects. He re-engaged and recruited our block captains for flier distribution, new resident contact and membership drive. These folks are the heart of our face-to-face engagement. They will share the good news of our neighbors and help us take pride in their accomplishments.
Block Captains 2022 listing and map…
Pat has also drafted and begun our work with the Branding Task Force. There is a survey we are encouraging our residents to help with. What is our neighborhood identity? Can we capture that in a slogan? This branding will then be included in our developing Welcome to the Neighborhood signage, business cards and correspondence.
Please take a few minutes to give us your thoughts with the online survey…
Pat and Gail are working on initiating regular contacts with our local commercial businesses; finding out their desires and finding common collaboration. We are working with Shandon to learn their best association practices. We are involved with Columbia’s Council of Neighborhoods, sharing ideas and information.
Valerie Marcil initiated Forest Friends and executed a plan to offer free trees to our residents, reaffirming the importance of our Sherwood Forest name. She includes the whole kitandcaboodle with a site survey, a list of available native trees, the pick up and delivery of trees, planting instructions and pride signage. There have been many who have assisted in this program and we expect to continue this program into the future.
We are grateful for the role that Reverend Russ Harless and Sherwood Forest Associate Reformed Church has played in our Association. They have hosted us for our Quarterly meetings and for National Night Out. They continue to look at ways to be part of our neighborhood by offering their playground for use and are excited to work on developing a dog park on church grounds.
We are now up to 5 hosted annual social events: 12th Night, Spring Fling, National Night Out, Halloween and Santa’s Hayride. These have been super chances to meet and share with our neighbors and we are grateful to all our hosts for their energy, coordination and execution. Unfortunately, our limited budget based on $20 annual membership dues has been stretched thin. But we know it’s important to keep membership dues low, so we are developing alternate funding sources, such as corporate and individual sponsorships. More info as we address this challenge.
Thanks for supporting your Association and neighbors. We are excited about the prospects of 2023 and greater involvement.
Gail Wojtowicz
Santa’s Hayride!
Saturday, December 10th 5-7:30pm
Join your Sherwood Forest neighbors Saturday, December 10, 5-7:30pm on Allen’s Way culdesac for some Holiday Family Fun in the Forest. Neighbors are invited for a Christmas drop in with hay ride and visit from Santa.
BYOB, park on Bloomwood or walk.
SFNA Adopt-A-Highway Clean Up
Saturday, December 3, 9:30-11am
Volunteers are invited to participate in the cleanup which is part of the Keep The Midlands Beautiful Adopt-A-Highway program. It usually takes each volunteer less than an hour and it can really make a difference. Plus, it’s an easy way to meet your neighbors and a chance to do good.
Meet at the Piggly Wiggly parking lot on the Kilbourne Road side. Volunteers should wear closed toed shoes and bring your own gloves. Pickers and trash bags are provided.
Contact Dave Nelson at 803-447-4793 or appearance@sherwoodforestneighbors.org for more information.
Twelfth Night Adult Post Holiday Party
Friday, January 6, 6pm-9pm
The 12th Night adult gathering is set for Friday, January 6th hosted by Regina Monteith at 530 Kilbourne Road. The property is known as Bloomwood, the original 1920’s home of W. Gordon Belser.
Strict Covid-19 proof of vaccination is required. Traditional potluck protocols will apply with beverages furnished by the Association.
USC Belser Arboretum Open House
Sunday, December 18, 1-4pm
Open House is always the 3rd Sunday of every month.
Follow the Arboretum on Instagram and see Facebook for event info.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Sherwood Forest ARP Church
4325 Wilmot Avenue
Christmas Eve 6pm
All are invited.
SFNA Needs Your Input!
We’re still asking for your help with our Branding Survey to define what makes the Forest special to our residents!
Our request is to take a few minutes to have some family conversations, gather your thoughts and answer a short 4 question survey.
Be a Forest Friend and celebrate SC Arbor Day in December!
Arbor Day is an opportunity to celebrate the trees that make your world better! While National Arbor Day is the last Friday in April, the first Friday in December (December 2, 2022) is South Carolina’s Arbor Day. The difference in dates is that trees in South Carolina are better able to get established when planted in the winter.
To read the rest of this short article, which includes a gorgeous photo of the author Sue Watts‘ favorite tree, go to Clemson’s Arbor Day website…
Consider planting a tree this month! If you want suggestions of sturdy native trees well suited to our neighborhood and especially friendly to birds, try this fun Audubon website list for our zip code…
SFNA General Meeting
Wednesday, February 8, 6:30pm-8pm
Sherwood Forest ARP Church
Mark your calendars!
If you have an issue you would like discussed at the meeting please let us know!
At the November Annual Meeting, 2023-24 officers were elected:
Gail Wojtowicz – President
Patrick Mason – Vice President
Kate Anderson Barton – Secretary
Henry Nechemias – Treasurer
Draft minutes from the Annual meeting…
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
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Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2022 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved.