Congratulations! Appreciate your support of the SFNA Block Captains team!
Know that your fellow neighbor families salute your effort, time, energy and enthusiasm as we ongoingly build a vibrant, safe, friendly and engaged Sherwood Forest community.
As a Block Captain goal, may we suggest: Have fun. Be proud. Show compassion.
- Estimated time commitment is 20 hours annually (attending quarterly meetings and possibly an hour a month engaging your Zone neighbors).
- Block Captain team & efforts will be acknowledged regularly in the CRIER.
- Distribute meeting and other notices. Suggest using round stickies (in your BC kit) to affix material to front or side door. Materials should not be left in mailboxes.
- Get to know Zone neighbors and encourage them to join the association by completing the survey/census form online:
- Your option to recruit a co-captain to serve with you and/or in your absence.
- Act as a welcome ambassador for new residents. As you connect, assure them we keep an eye-out for each other.
- If neighbors are renters, get name and phone number of the rental agency or property owner. Email data to: Henry Nechemias:
- Relay information, suggestions, and concerns to the 2023-24 SFNA President. Gail Wojtowicz:
- Attend general quarterly meetings or get your co-captain to attend. Invite new neighbors and introduce them at the meeting.
- Volunteer for association activities and encourage pals to join.
Updated 3/25/23, Pat Mason: