Sherwood Forest Block Captain Job Description

Congratulations! Appreciate your support of the SFNA Block Captains team!

Know that your fellow neighbor families salute your effort, time, energy and enthusiasm as we ongoingly build a vibrant, safe, friendly and engaged Sherwood Forest community.

As a Block Captain goal, may we suggest: Have fun. Be proud. Show compassion.


  • Estimated time commitment is 20 hours annually (attending quarterly meetings and possibly an hour a month engaging your Zone neighbors).
  • Block Captain team & efforts will be acknowledged regularly in the CRIER.
  • Distribute meeting and other notices. Suggest using round stickies (in your BC kit) to affix material to front or side door. Materials should not be left in mailboxes.
  • Get to know Zone neighbors and encourage them to join the association by completing the survey/census form online:
  • Your option to recruit a co-captain to serve with you and/or in your absence.
  • Act as a welcome ambassador for new residents. As you connect, assure them we keep an eye-out for each other.
  • If neighbors are renters, get name and phone number of the rental agency or property owner. Email data to: Henry Nechemias:
  • Relay information, suggestions, and concerns to the 2023-24 SFNA President. Gail Wojtowicz:
  • Attend general quarterly meetings or get your co-captain to attend. Invite new neighbors and introduce them at the meeting.
  • Volunteer for association activities and encourage pals to join.

Updated 3/25/23, Pat Mason: