The name of this organization is the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. (“Association”).
ARTICLE II – Purpose
The purpose of the Association is to improve the quality of life and cultivating stronger relationships by lessening neighborhood tensions and combat community deterioration by providing a forum for discussing matters important to the residents and property owners of Sherwood Forest and a means of addressing those issues.
ARTICLE III – Membership
1. The membership of the Association shall consist of all legal adult natural persons over the age of eighteen (18) years or business entities that reside or own property within the geographical location bounded by Kilbourne Road, Devine Street, Beltline Boulevard and Rosewood Drive in the County of Richland, State of South Carolina that have paid such annual dues as may be ordained and established by the Association and have completed such form as the Association may use for purposes of registering members.
2. Each member as defined in section III.1 shall be entitled to one (1) vote at any meeting of the Association, regardless of the number of properties owned by that member.
ARTICLE IV – Officers
1. The membership of the Association shall elect the following officers to serve for terms of two years: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Association shall hold elections for officers in the last quarter of a calendar year. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Association members present at a meeting called for the purpose of electing officers, as shall be set forth in the meeting notice.
2. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the Association. The president shall have the power of appointing committee chairs.
3. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his or her absence or inability to perform.
4. The Secretary shall make and keep a permanent record of all business transacted at any meeting of the Association and shall maintain a permanent file of all official correspondence of the Association and a list of its members. The Secretary shall also ensure that proper notice of meetings, as provided in Article V hereinbelow, is given to the Association and shall take reasonable steps to discover new property owners or residents within the geographical boundaries set forth above and to provide them with notice of upcoming meetings and such dues as the Association has ordained or established.
5. The Treasurer shall make and keep a permanent record of all monies of the Association and all transactions involving money of the Association. The Treasurer shall report the financial affairs of the Association as often as it may require, but not less than annually.
6. In addition to the above duties and any other duties provided in these by-laws, the officers shall have such authority and perform such duties in the management of the Association as may be granted to them by the Association.
7. The officers may meet as the Executive Committee for purposes of planning meetings and proposing agenda items.
8. Any officer who fails to faithfully discharge his or her duties may be removed from office by majority vote of the Association. Any officer that moves from or sells such property he or she owns that lies within the geographical boundaries set forth above shall be deemed to have resigned his or her position. Interim officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Association members present at a meeting called for the purpose of electing such interim officers, as shall be set forth in the meeting notice. Interim officers shall serve out the remaining term of any officer who resigns or is removed from office by the Association.
ARTICLE V – Membership Meetings
1. Meetings of the Association shall be held with such frequency as the Executive Committee deems necessary to carry out the Association’s business, but no less than annually.
2. Notice of all meetings shall be given to all members by means of electronic mail; however, any member who requests, in writing, that he or she be given notice of meetings by United States mail shall be entitled to such notice. Notice of any meeting of the Association shall state the time and place of the meeting, at least five days before such a meeting. The members present shall constitute a quorum at such meetings. Proof of notice shall be maintained by the Secretary.
3. Notice of meetings called for the purpose of electing officers shall set forth which officer positions will be filled at the meeting. Notice of meetings called for the purpose of adopting, amending or repealing by-laws of the Association shall set forth the text of the particular by-law(s) to be adopted, amended or repealed.
ARTICLE VI – Event of Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Association, all real and personal property then owned by the Association shall be conveyed, transferred and paid over to such charitable corporations or purposes in such shares, amounts and proportions as the Association shall select and determine as being most in furtherance of the Association’s purposes and in no event shall any of the assets of the Association accrue to the individual benefit of any officer, member or any other private individuals except that the Association may, in its discretion, pay reasonable salaries for work actually performed and may reimburse members and officers for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.
ARTICLE VII – Amendments
The Association shall have power to amend, repeal or adopt by-laws by majority vote at any meeting called for such purposes, as set forth in the meeting notice.
ARTICLE VIII – Use of Association Funds
1. In keeping with the Association’s Purpose set forth in Article II of these Bylaws, the Association’s funds shall at all times be used to improve the quality of life, to cultivate stronger relationships, to lessen neighborhood tensions, and/or to combat community deterioration.
2. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to expend the Association’s funds without prior approval of the Association’s members for purposes that fall within the day-to-day operations of the Association. By way of example, spending for items within the Executive Committee’s discretion shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: postage, copy charges, filing and other administrative fees imposed by any governmental authority, utilities and any other ongoing expenses incurred by the Association as part of its existence and daily operation.
3. All extraordinary expenses for projects or events that are outside of the normal day-to-day operations of the Association shall be put before the Association for a vote at a regular or specially-called meeting of the Association’s membership prior to being incurred.