The Twelfth Night Party will be on Friday, January 10 from 6pm until 9pm. This year there will be valet parking in the driveway for handicapped partygoers or others in need. Others can park at the Piggly Wiggly or just walk!
The 2020 Party will be a Birthday Party! We will be celebrating the 100th birthday of Bloomwood, the original 1920’s home of W. Gordon Belser. The original architectural drawings for the house date from the spring and summer of 1919. Nineteen twenty would be the first year of its occupancy. While a few changes and additions have been made over its 100 years, the house remains essentially as it was originally designed and built.
There will be cake, not a King’s cake but a Birthday Cake!
The association will provide a HoneyBaked ham, beer, wine and soft drinks. We ask if you can come that you bring a side dish, snack or dessert.
This event has always been lots of fun and a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors. If you have a neighbor who hasn’t attended, bring ’em along!