Hear ye, hear ye!
Here is your
October 22, 2021
SFNA Annual Halloween Hot Dog Party
Sunday, October 31, 4-7pm on Kalmia!
The Halloween party is a favorite neighborhood event for the kids and the young at heart. On October 31, 4-7pm on Kalmia dress up your kids, pets or significant other and come out to be neighborly! We will provide hotdogs, chili and chips. Neighbors can bring sides or desserts. BYOB. Then the kids can trick or treat in Sherwood Forest!
Please be personally responsible regarding mask wearing in close quarters and social distancing for everyone’s well-being!
- 4pm – Toddlers and Preschoolers events (Halloween candy hunt and more)
- 5pm – Parade up and down Kalmia
- 5:30pm – Movie on the lawn begins
- 7pm – Goodnight before the Kalmia Ghost arrives and thanks for coming!
If you want to participate in the toddler and preschooler candy hunt, please drop off candy in the basket on the front porch of 501 Kalmia Drive.
Drinks will be limited. Please bring your own water bottles with your beverage of choice. BYOB.
SFNA will serve hot dogs and chili. Sherwood Forest ARP Church will host a special dessert table. Neighbors should bring something to share.
Contact Lauren Bradley 678-637-5347 or Violet Beets, 803-403-5980 or email social@sherwoodvorestneighbors.org for more into or to volunteer for this event.
Facebook event…
SFNA General Meeting
Wednesday, November 10, 6:30pm-8pm
The next general meeting of the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association is scheduled for Wednesday, November 10 from 6:30pm-8pm at the Sherwood Forest Presbyterian Church on the corner of Wilmot Avenue and Beltline Boulevard. Join us at 6pm to meet and greet your neighbors!
The SFNA will elect our Board of Directors for 2 year terms. The officers are President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Executive Committee Members. If you are interested in serving, contact Mark Hering at 803-360-9527 or markhering@aol.com.
Refreshments will be served.
If you have any questions or concerns, or ideas for speakers, please let us know!
Upcoming Elections
Richland One School Board Special Election
Tuesday, October 26
Leslie Harvel, Hamilton Jacobs, Robert Lominack and Jim Manning are candidates for the at-large seat in a special election to complete an unexpired term that runs to the end of 2022.
City of Columbia Municipal Elections
Tuesday, November 2
The City of Columbia municipal election for mayor and an at-large council seat will be held Tuesday, November 2.
More information…
Crier emails
Stay up do date on neighborhood events, other local events and information of interest with our monthly email newsletter.
If you have questions, suggestions, announcements, or information of interest to the neighborhood, please pass it along and we may include it in a future Crier.
Subscribe for free, no membership required, but of course we would like everybody to join! New neighbor? Let us know and we’ll send out the welcome wagon.
To subscribe, email membership@sherwoodforestneighbors.org or subscribe online
Join the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
Become a member or renew your membership now for 2021!
Dues are only $20 and are due in January. Pay your dues now online. Or pay at the next general meeting or mail a check to Henry Nechemias, 4 Robin Hood Ct., Columbia, SC 29205 and you will be paid up for 2021!
Why should you join the SFNA? Benefits of the SFNA.
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If you no longer wish to receive email correspondence from SFNA, please email webmaster@sherwoodforestneighbors.org
Please add webmaster@sherwoodforestneighbors.org to your approved sender list in whatever email client or system you are using to make sure you are able to receive email communications from the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association!
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
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Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2021 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved.