Good news! We had a great response to our inaugural free native tree offering and 17 trees were delivered to Sherwood Forest neighbors! Keep your eyes open for small green yard signs that say a native tree has been planted in the yard, compliments of SFNA. We’ll repeat the offering again next year, so be thinking about whether you could use a new tree.
Fall is when everyone wants trees with color in their yards. Whether you are picking out trees to plant this fall or next, consider some of the following unusual native trees that do well in our area for good fall color: Chalkbark Maple (a small, southern variation of Sugar Maple), Blackgum (loves moist areas, but will tolerate drier conditions as well – shiny green leaves turn intense hues of yellow, orange, red and purple in the fall), Sassafras (the “mitten tree” with colorful shades of orange and red in fall), Turkey Oak (a small “scrub” oak that loves dry sandy soil and leaves turn a beautiful dark red in fall), Red Buckeye (attractive for it’s red blooms in the spring, it also has brilliant yellow foliage in the fall), and Tulip Poplar (tulip-like flowers in the spring and yellow leaves in the fall).
Whether you have planted a new tree or are considering one, check out the Forest Friends Planting and Care Guidance offered on our website…