Hear ye, hear ye!
Here is your
November 1, 2023
SFNA General Meeting
Wednesday, November 8, 6:30pm-7:30pm
Sherwood Forest ARP Church
If you have an issue you would like discussed at the meeting please let us know!
- Guest Speaker: Richland County Councilman Don Weaver
- Police Update MPO Gibb
- Updates from the Arboretum, Forest Friends, Treasurer, Social and more
- Presentation of new neighborhood logo
- Elections
Here is the complete meeting agenda…
The meeting will also be available on Zoom. Zoom ID: 863 8990 6648, Passcode 649565
Sherwood Forest Branding Task Force (BTF) Update
Big thanks goes to all that have found time to participate in the important work relating to our beautification, image and positioning projects. We value your leadership and contributions.
There will be a ceremonious unveiling of the new logo image and its application on our media at the Wednesday, November 8th quarterly 6:30 meeting
Bring neighbors for the celebration of this milestone.
Pat Mason
SFNA Adopt-A-Highway Clean Up
Saturday, November 18, 9:30-11am
Please join our volunteers for a fun morning of talking trash! We have been picking up litter in the neighborhood for 7 years now and your help is needed. This is a family event and kids are welcome. Donuts will be provided.
Meet at the Piggly Wiggly parking lot. Volunteers should wear closed toed shoes and bring your own gloves. Pickers and trash bags are provided.
Contact Dave Nelson at 803-447-4793 or appearance@sherwoodforestneighbors.org for more information.
Honorary Friend of Sherwood Forest
10/15/23 – USC Arboretum Director, Dr. Trey Franklin (left), receives official certification as Honorary Friend of Sherwood Forest acknowledging and saluting their education, preservation and community engagement over many years.
Pat Mason
Forest Friends
Do You Have a Sick or Dying Dogwood?
Many in our area do. Dogwoods are beloved native ornamentals, but, for a variety of reasons they have not been doing well in our urban area in recent years.
Anthracnose, which is a fungal disease, is one of the major problems. It’s widespread attack on our local dogwoods has likely been facilitated by overplanting and improper placement. Any plant that is overused becomes susceptible to disease – it starts in one plant and easily spreads to nearby plants.
How does improper placement factor into dogwood decline? Dogwoods need fertile, moist soil with good drainage. They are understory trees and require dappled lighting with protection from the hottest rays of the day. When dogwoods are placed in the middle of a hot sunny yard, or surrounding larger shade trees are removed, dogwoods become stressed, grow more slowly, and become more susceptible to a variety of pests, including anthracnose.
If you have a sick dogwood, it’s probably best to remove it and replace it with a different type of tree that is suited to your yard conditions. Late fall, early winter is the perfect time to plant a tree – just don’t plant exactly where a tree has recently been removed – plant at least 10 feet away from that spot.
Read more at Gardening Know How: Common Dogwood Problems: Pests And Diseases Of Dogwood Trees
Here is a good listing of native plants by the conditions in which they thrive published by the South Carolina Native Plant Society.
Valerie Marcil
Forest Friends Lead
USC Belser Arboretum Events
November Book Club
Sunday, November 5 at 3pm
The Hour of Land by Terry Tempest Williams
Jerry Wallulis, USC Emeritus Professor in the Department of Philosophy, will lead the discussion.
Open House
Sunday, November 19, 1-4pm
Open House is always the 3rd Sunday of every month.
Regular Volunteer Work Sessions
Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9am-Noon, Thursdays, 4-6pm
Weather and work schedules can occasionally change these times.
Follow the Arboretum on Instagram and see Facebook for event info.
Sistercare Fund Raising Event
Sherwood Forest Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
Thursday, November 16, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Buffet: BBQ (3 sauces), Fried Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Coleslaw, Green Beans, Banana Pudding
Dine In or Carry Out
Cost: $15 per person
With every meal purchased, we will donate $5.00 to SisterCare to help with their supplies for families especially during the Christmas season.
Sistercare is a non-profit based in Columbia, SC that provides services and advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and their children. They assist with shelter, food, and any necessary supplies for these families.
Municipal Elections 2023
Tuesday, November 7
Tyler Bailey, Jesse Bullard IV, and Christa Williams are running for Columbia City Council District At-large.
Incumbent Will Brennan and Moe Baddourah are running in Columbia City Council District 3.
Please note that Ward 17 will be voting at the Midlands Tech Student Center, 316 Beltline Blvd for this election.
Join the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
Become a member or renew your membership!
The SFNA is a volunteer organization of neighbors working to create a greater sense of community in the Forest.
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
SFNA Facebook Page | SFNA Facebook Group | SFNA Nextdoor
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2023 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved.