SFNA General Meeting
Wednesday, August 11, 6:30pm-8pm
The next scheduled SFNA general meeting is August 11. If the pandemic trend keeps going down and vaccination keeps going up, we plan to meet in person at the Sherwood Forest ARP Church on the corner of Wilmot and Beltline.
Our meeting days will change to Wednesday to accommodate our host church’s schedule.
If you have questions, answers, requests, offers or comments about the neighborhood, you can join the discussion in our SFNA private group on Facebook at facebook.com/groups/sherwoodforestna.
Only your neighbors can see who’s in the group and what is posted.
UofSC Belser Arboretum Open House
Sunday, June 20, 1-4pm
All are welcome to join us at Open House, always the 3rd Sunday of every month. Gates are open at Bloomwood Road and Wilmot Avenue.
Please note that trails are natural and hilly in sections. Restrooms are not available. Please leave pets at home. Visitors are asked not to park on the lawns of surrounding properties.
Follow the Arboretum on Instagram and see Facebook for event info,
Contact Gail Wojtowicz at 618 402-8736 or by email or see UofSC’s Department of Biological Sciences W. Gordon Belser Arboretum web page.
City of Columbia CRT Officer
We have a new CRT (Community Response Team) Officer! Officer David Gibb is the Sherwood Forest neighborhood contact at the Columbia Police Department. A CPD officer attends our quarterly general meetings.
Report a personal or property crime immediately to the City of Columbia Police by calling 911. To report suspicious activity, call 911 or the non-emergency number 252-2911 or our CRT (Crime Response Team) Officer David Gibb at (803) 260-4000 or david.gibb@columbiasc.gov. Then alert your neighbors!
Visit the Columbia Police Department for more information.
Yard Waste Pickup
The City of Columbia yard waste pickup regularly scheduled for Fridays has been running late and will be picked up each week as the crews work through the backlog!
As a reminder, yard trash can be a combination of grass clippings, leaves, and sticks. Bulk items (i.e. furniture, clothing, rigid plastics) and building refuse must be separated from compostable material.
The City of Columbia composting operation receives nearly 25 percent of the City’s total trash tonnage. The compost is available to citizens and can be picked up at the facility located on Humane Lane off Shop Road.
Members Only Arboretum Tour
Thursday, June 17
A limited number of members of the Gills Creek Watershed Association will enjoy a tour of the Belser Arboretum on Thursday, June 17. Native plants and how the Arboretum manages neighborhood stormwater will be the focus of the staff-led tour. For more information, to register, and to join the GCWA if not already a member, go to the Gills Creek Watershed Association website.
Rain Garden Installation Assistance
Do you have runoff from rains in your yard? Would you like to capture it in a low-maintenance garden AND help prevent flooding? Try a rain garden!
Valerie Marcil is a Master Rain Gardener in our neighborhood and is happy to provide a free consultation on whether a rain garden might work in your yard, and how to get one started. Contact her via email if interested.
SFNA Adopt-A-Highway Clean Up
Saturday, August 21
Please contact Dave Nelson at 803 447-4793 or appearance@sherwoodforestneighbors.org for information or any questions.
City and County News
The City of Columbia sends out two informational emails: City Briefing and City News. City Briefing is an e-newsletter sent weekly on Fridays that includes a review of news and information released during the week. City eNews is a monthly newsletter sent at the beginning of the month that includes photos from recent events, news from the previous and upcoming months, what’s going on in City Parks, Council meeting dates, At-Large meeting announcements and more.
Subscribe to City Briefing or City News…
The Richland County newsletter, The Richland Weekly Review, is emailed each Friday and features news, coming events, photographs and the Pet of the Week, a special dog or cat available for adoption.
Subscribe to The Richland Weekly Review…
Crier emails
We are making an effort to send out these informational emails around the first of every month to keep neighbors up do date on neighborhood events, and other events and information of interest. It’s cheaper and better for the environment not to print and pass out fliers! But we could all probably use the exercise!
If you have information of interest to the neighborhood, please pass it along and we may include it in a future Crier.
Tell your friends and neighbors to subscribe. No membership required, but of course we would like everybody to join! New neighbor? Let us know and we’ll send out the welcome wagon.
To subscribe, email membership@sherwoodforestneighbors.org or subscribe online
Join the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
Become a member or renew your membership now for 2021!
Dues are only $20 and are due in January. Pay your dues now online. Or pay at the next general meeting or mail a check to Henry Nechemias, 4 Robin Hood Ct., Columbia, SC 29205 and you will be paid up for 2021!